Last Update January1, 2025
Having somewhere to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing. -

Jessica & Pauly

The Facebook
Blackburn Family
Group Page
A new Angel on the Way!
"We all have a Story but not every one knows it or where it comes from" JB
Here in these pages you may discover some of yours....
© 2017 by Gerald A. Blackburn.

What's This?

The Wayback Window
The Digital
Around the House
The Library
In the ATTIC
The Kitchen
The Garden
Webmaster : G. Blackburn
Meet The Family...

We are the California Blackburns. Here you will find the story of the Children of John A. Blackburn and Regina F. Hanschmann (Hilgart ). It is a story of who we are where we came from and to some extent where we might be going. I have created this website as a resource for our children so they might discover something about their roots and maybe about themselves. Family is the most important thing we can have in a lifetime. A connection with our past and our future. I hope you find something here that makes a connection for you.
As one of the last of the remaining elders (the Papa) the responsability of the history of the family rests with me and my brother and sisters now. I hope this will be a legacy for the next of our family who will treasure and safeguard the memories and history we have made..
Kathy is gone, A huge silence has settled in over the Blackburn House. I will miss my soulmate so much. She will live on in our hearts and memories forever as long as there is a Blackburn, Miller or Colombo.
Antoinette Deron
Aunt Tony
Born: November 2, 1930
Died: September 18, 2021
Chicago, Il

Aunt Tony passed away in Sep of 2021. She is Regina Blackburn's younger sister. She had lived in Chicago, Ill. Antoinette Deron was 90 years old. She is survived by her two sons Marc and Kieth.
Uncle Fred is the second son of John and Regina Blackburn. Fred is a co- collaborator on this website and family historian. Fred is responsible for several branches on our family tree. He had two children with his first wife Pat; Jeffery and Paula. He and his second wife Sandie have a daughter, Amber.

Theresa A. Blackburn-Spiegel
Aunt Terry
Born: April 26, 1947
Lynwood, Ca.
St. Francis Hospital
Aunt Terry is the first daughter of John and Regina Blackburn. Terry lives in Orange County
with her husband Edwin Speigel. They have a daughter - Kristen and two grandchildren Alice
and a grandson Tucker.
Aunt Fran is the second daughter of John and Regina Blackburn. Fran lives with her husband Daniel Urrere in Torrance California. They have two children, a son Matthew and a Daughter Shawnee.
In Memorium


Visit here to remember those who are gone and missed so much.